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Vice Chairman's Message

Going into the digitalized era, I hope to bring in creativity, innovations, and also the perspectives and insights from younger generations to unleash the potential of our businesses. In the course of inheritance and innovation, we continue to motivate sustainable development for our businesses.

Mr. Alex Yeung , JP

Vice Chairman of Emperor Group

Since joining Emperor Group, I’ve learned valuable lessons about progressing with the business from Dr. Albert Yeung and my fellow teammates who have served the Group for years. Through their experiences from various economic and social progressions, my precursors’ insights motivate me to go further. On the journey to running a successful business, we embrace opportunities and challenges that led to our achievements today. It is also diligence and hard work from 2 generations and the flexibility to advance and retreat that laid a solid foundation to seek breakthrough to the status quo.


“Creativity” has always been the driving force that motivates the continuous progression of the Emperor Group. As the society and economy continue to evolve rapidly in this technological advancement, we are experiencing transformation in various industries in society. While guarding the cornerstone of our businesses, I will also bring in perspectives and insights from our younger generations to Emperor Group and unleash the potential of our businesses through an innovative angle. This will also facilitate the development of our entertainment and cultural business and motivate the sustainable development of our Group.


Young generations are the future pillars of our society. Emperor Group does not only commit to fulfilling our corporate social responsibilities, but also to creating shared values across different communities in Hong Kong. I will continue to play an important role in youth work and drive communications between different stakeholders in the society, motivating youth to move up the social ladder.


I look forward to unifying classics with creativity as we continue to expand the business ecosystem of Emperor Group, paving more milestones ahead in timeless brilliance.