



Emperor Foundation was established in 1997 to promote sustainable development, improve harmony and unity in our social fabric, and encourage the holistic health of body and soul. The Foundation has worked with various organizations to organize and participate in activities for different charity causes that include education, medical, culture and environment, with a strong focus on education. Besides “Emperor Foundation Scholarship” for each of the twelve registered tertiary institutions in Hong Kong and primary school in Mainland China as an encouragement to students with excellent academic results. The Foundation has made donations to other education funds in Mainland China, including the “Ministry of Justice, PRC Education Fund”, “China University of Political Science and Law –C.U.P.L. Dr. Albert Yeung Education Fund”, “Peking University Education Foundation” and “Xiamen Education Fund” for students with either excellent academic results or underprivileged family background. Coupled with its financial support, the Foundation has also been leveraging volunteer manpower from the Group’s staff to organise or facilitate various charity activities round the year both in Mainland China and Hong Kong.

Major projects

Emperor Foundation Scholarship


Empower Community Project


Donation Method


Funding Application