

Emperor Entertainment Group's Headquarters in the Greater Bay Area Officially Settled in Guangzhou to Promote the Development of Entertainment and Cultural Industries
2021 / 04 / 26

On April 22, 2021, Emperor Entertainment Group's headquarters in the Greater Bay Area officially settled in Guangzhou and held a grand opening ceremony at the Experimental Theatre of Guangzhou Opera House. Ms. Mani Fok, Chief Operations Officer of Emperor Entertainment Group and Chief Executive Officer of Emperor Entertainment (Beijing) Limited, Ms. Pang Man Ying, General Manager of the headquarter of Greater Bay Area of Emperor Entertainment Group, Ms. Wong Wing Yan, General Manager of Emperor Entertainment (Beijing) Limited, together with representatives of Emperor Entertainment Group Joey Yung, Yu Yanlong, Kasper Chen, Macy Ma, De Qing Wang Mu, Li Yijun attended the ceremony to witness the new milestone of Emperor Entertainment Group. Although Dr. Albert Yeung, Chairman of Emperor Group, Ms. Shirley Hughes, Chief Executive Officer of Emperor Entertainment Group and many other artists of Emperor Entertainment were not able to present at the ceremony, they recorded a video to express their most sincere congratulations to the grand opening.


(For more information, please refer to Chinese version.)